
Most important bugs corrected in Archicad 10 Hotfix (build 966)

    InputOutput(save, import, merge)

  • 53248 – AC saves wrong images at big zoom scales
  • 53281 – crash may occur at opening auto saved files
  • 53060 – DWF export: Rotated figures and drawings are wrong
  • 53027 – updating drawings triggers auto save
  • 53339 – Auto save occurs right after starting new project


  • 53865 – after detaching XREF some elements of the XREF may remain on the plan
  • 53288 – Xrefs are placed wrong if there are elements in the project that are far from the origin
  • 53235 – unloading XREF placed on a story other than the default story fails
  • 53396 – Export to DWG: window markers sometimes cause that the model space is empty
  • 52576 – DWG import: pen-color conversion table does not work (open,merge,xref)
  • 52354 – DXF/DWG export: some label text may be lost


  • 53748 – TeamWork: Locked elements can not be unlocked by other teammate
  • 53647 – TeamWork: After sign out the project is still open, however the user is not signed in.
  • 53646 – TeamWork: Sign in dialog is slow if there are too many layers
  • 53492 – TeamWork: Views cannot be modified by Team Leader without Exclusive Access.
  • 53491 – TeamWork: On the sign in page the layouts are numbered differently than in Navigator
  • 53122 – TeamWork: if two team mates create new attributes concurrently, element attributes may get corrupted
  • 52839 – TeamWork: after merging external layout, it is not editable until sending changes


  • 53741 – detail markers from previous version don’t link to an existing detail
  • 52924 – wall end misbehaving after slanting a straight wall


  • 53662 – Archicad crashes when merging a layout book, if QuickOptions palette is open
  • 53490 – Crash when editing drawing frame in ‘fit frame to drawing’ mode
  • 53423 – Archicad crashes when importing LayoutBook with publisher set to “tree by master”
  • 53210 – Win only: Wrong mouse cursor feedback if dragging a drawing from layout map onto layout window
  • 53196 – Drawings on master layout hide grid lines
  • 53025 – layout may disappear from publisher set if its master layout is changed
  • 52872 – some Archicad 9 detail/section markers are empty in layout view
  • 52776 – publishing of layouts containing drawings in “need checking” status fails
  • 52772 – View > On-Screen View Options > Master Items On layout hides items for printing/plotting as well
  • 52546 – merging layout book: imported layouts overwrite current file’s layouts in publisher sets
  • 50888 – Plot settings in publisher cannot be accessed sometimes

    Workspace (Menus, Palettes)

  • 53649 – Dimensions to windows are disappearing in elevation
  • 53369 – section marker drawing link value is not reset during copy/paste and parameter transfer
  • 53311 – crash after deleting all details in navigator and creating a new viewpoint
  • 53159 – crash may occur when editing Work Environment /Toolbars
  • 53092 – crash when using element information on curved wall

    Element Creation, Editing (tools, commands)

  • 53610 – Crash after opening and closing Grid Settings
  • 53596 – Automatic Dimensions may get lost
  • 53372 – double slanted wall may appear incorrectly if composite with more than 2 core layers is applied
  • 53362 – marquee selection doesn’t work on certain wall profiles
  • 53361 – Deleting all ridges of a mesh causes crash in certain cases
  • 53274 – If the default layer of zones is set to Wireframe type, Interior Wizard crashes
  • 53228 – Wrong error message if rename in Profile manager fails
  • 53094 – Dragging a window from a wall into another in section view may fail
  • 53040 – automatic dimension includes elements not visible on current story
  • 53014 – zone fill is selectable even if Zone background is OFF and Cover Fill is OFF,
  • 52924 – wall end misbehaving after slanting a straight wall
  • 52893 – dragging certain elements in section view cause elements to temporarily disappear
  • 52711 – Crash if update two drawings from same source and one of them is placed in section or details
  • 52247 – Grid tool settings dialog – bottom of dialog is invisible
  • 51049 – Grid tool: floor plan and section view of Grid element is inconsistent after editing


  • 53586 – Intersection of roofs planes give wrong angle on extended plane
  • 53028 – LightWorks rendering: foreground image is upside down
  • 53001 – rendering empty projects results in “Not enough memory…” error
  • 52488 – intersection of slanted and round walls may be wrong in 3D

    File properties (attributes, layers, views)

  • 53509 – Fills are distorted when local fill orientation flag is on
  • 53274 – If the default layer of zones is set to Wireframe type, Interior Wizard crashes
  • 53149 – opening AC 9 project in 10: composite skin priorities are not always set correctly
  • 52706 – Open PLN: Model far from Origin: OK drawing status may change to modified
  • 52525 – Profile Chooser on MAC: if there are more than 30 profiles, profile selection is impossible

    Printing, Plotting

  • 53470 – Print to PDF from the 3D window with Internal Engine: everything inherits ghost story color
  • 53041 – Errant text appear in printed result when printing marquee area from layout

    Op.System, Installation, Networking

  • 53404 – Context sensitive help not always working on MAC OSX 10.3
  • 53245 – Saving file on a network path sometimes fails on 64bit Windows XP


  • 53188 – listings and element info show wrong unit for volumes